

Discontinued products

Information on discontinued products

Date of stopping the supply of parts of which product was discontinued

Work GrippersDiscontinued products

Work Grippers

*Regarding substitute models, there may be minor specification differences. So please consult Kitagawa distributor at selecting them.

*Regarding parts supply, please understand beforehand that we may not be able to supply parts earlier than parts supply stop schedule for purchased items that are not available.

Discontinued Models of Work Grippers

Please enter the model name of discontinued product to search. It can also be sorted by time.

Discontinued Model Discontinued Date Parts supply end Substitute Model
AS04M2 Oct. 1997 Oct. 2007 -
AS04M2C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS04M4 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AS04M4C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS04M6C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS04P2 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AS06M2 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AS06M2C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS06M4 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AS06M4C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS06M6 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AS06M6C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS06P2 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AS08M2C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS08M4 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AS08M4C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS10M2C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AS10M4C Sep. 2018 Sep. 2028 -
AT04M6 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AT06M2 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AT06M6 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
AT08M2 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
JM200-111 Dec. 2020 Dec. 2030 JM200 (Model number changed)
RC-04 Jan. 2002 Jan. 2012 NRC04
RC-06 Jun. 2001 Jun. 2011 NRC06
RC-08 Sep. 2001 Sep. 2011 NRC08
RC-10 Mar. 2001 Mar. 2011 NRC10
SC-4SM2 Apr. 2019 Apr. 2029 -
SC-4SM4 Apr. 2019 Apr. 2029 -
SC-5SM2 Apr. 2019 Apr. 2029 -
SC-5SM4 Apr. 2019 Apr. 2029 -
YS1415 Mar. 2003 Mar. 2013 YS1415K
YS1415-101 Dec. 1997 Dec. 2007 -
YS1415-102 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1415-103 May. 1998 May. 2008 -
YS1415-104 May. 1998 May. 2008 -
YS1415-105 May. 1998 May. 2008 -
YS1415-106 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1415-107 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1415-108 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1415-110 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1415K105 Dec. 2003 Dec. 2013 -
YS1415K116 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1815-101 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1815-102 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1815-103 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1820 Feb. 2001 Feb. 2011 YS1820K
YS1820-101 Feb. 1997 Feb. 2007 -
YS1820-102 Feb. 1997 Feb. 2007 -
YS1820-103 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1820-104 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS1820-105 Jul. 2003 Jul. 2013 -
YS1820K103 Sep. 2005 Sep. 2015 -
YS1820K104 Mar. 2017 Mar. 2027 -
YS2210K102 May. 2002 May. 2012 -
YS2220 Nov. 2001 Nov. 2011 YS2220K
YS2220-101 Feb. 1997 Feb. 2007 -
YS2220-103 Feb. 1996 Feb. 2006 -
YS2220K104 Jul. 2010 Jul. 2020 -
YS2220K105 Dec. 2004 Dec. 2014 -
YS2220K110 Jun. 2009 Jun. 2019 -
YS2225 Apr. 2004 Apr. 2014 -

Machine Tool product lineup