

Machine Tool

Mega through-hole NC rotary table
TP series

Suitable for machining large work pieces

TP seriesズーム

TP series

  • Suitable for machining large workpieces such as oil pipes
  • High accuracy heavy duty machining
  • Lightweight and compact design

*CE correspondence

Product Specifications

Model TP430 TP530
Right-handed Type
Left-handed Type Order production Order production
Table Diameter (mm) ø430 ø530
Centre Hole Diameter (mm) ø300H7 ø400H7
Through Hole Diameter (mm) ø275 ø345
Centre Height (mm) 280 310
Clamping Method Hydraulic Hydraulic
Clamping Torque (N・m)
(at hydraulic 3.5MPa)
4000 6100
Motor Axis Reduced Inertia (kg・m2) 0.0025 0.0025
Total Reduction Ratio 1/120 1/180
Max. Rotation Speed
4th axis spec.
(Fanuc spec.)
(at motor 2000min-1)
(at motor 2000min-1)
M signal spec. 16.6
(at motor 2000min-1)
(at motor 1500min-1)
Allowable Work Inertia (kg・m2) 5.78 12.29
Indexing Accuracy (sec) 20 20
Repeatability (sec) 4 4
Mass of Product (kg) 276 350
Allowable Load Vertical (kg) 250 350
Manual Tailstock (as an option) - TS500RN
Tail Spindle (as an option) Order production Order production
Rotary Joint (as an option) Order production Order production
Outline Drawing Kitagawa own controller spec. 2D
4th axis spec.
(Fanuc spec.)
Option Outline Drawing - Tailstock

Machine Tool product lineup